Research – Product Design Overview – Surface Chemistry and Physics An Application to Bituminous Mixtures
1937-Applications of Surface Chemistry and Physics to Bituminous Mixtures-Norman W. McLeod
1937-Applications of Surface Chemistry and Physics to Bituminous Mixtures-Norman W. McLeod
1976-Influence of Tolerances from the Job-Mix Formula on the Properties of Paving Mixtures – Norman W. McLeod
1969-A General Method of Design for Seal Coats and Surface Treatments-Norman McLeod
1972-A 4 year Survey of Low Temperature Transverse Pavement Cracking on Three Ontario Test Roads – Norman McLeod
1987-Employing Paving Asphalt Temperature Susceptibility in the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements – Norman W. McLeod
1987-Discussion of Employing Paving Asphalt Temperature Susceptability in Structural Design – N.W. McLeod
1971-Designing Standard Asphalt Paving Mixtures for Greater Durability-Norman W. McLeod
1953-A Design of Bituminous Mixtures with Curved Mohr Envelopes-Norman W. McLeod
1963-Comments on the Proposal to Classify Paving Grades of Asphalt Cement by Viscosity at 140 F-Norman W. McLeod
1975-A Case for Grading Asphalt Cements by Penetration at 77 F (25C) – Norman W. McLeod