A good road infrastructure network is an invaluable asset to private corporations and public organizations. Good roads are critical to economically moving goods and services to market to stay competitive in a global economy. They allow emergency services access to help and protect communities. The cost to society can be extraordinary should the system be left in a state of disrepair.
Research – Design and Field Performance of Cold-Constructed Asphalt Pavements (CCAP) with Gelled Asphalts
2019-CTAA-Design and Field Performance of Cold-Constructed Asphalt Pavements (CCAP) with Gelled Asphalts
Research – Development of a Performance-Based Asphalt Mixture Overlay for Usage In A Low-Budget Pavement Management System
2019-Development of a Performance-Based Asphalt Mixture Overlay for Usage In A Low-Budget Pavement Management System
Research – WMA Technology as a Possible Tool for Resolving Longitudinal Joint Problems
2008 – WMA Technology as a Possible Tool for Resolving Longitudinal Joint Problems-Tighe,Moore,MacTaggart and Davidson
Research – A Twenty Year Performance Review of Cold-In Place Recycling in North America
2001 – A Twenty Year Performance Review of Cold In-Plave Recycling in North America – Croteau and Davidson
Research – Stripping: A Laboratory Study
1993 – Stripping – A Laboratory Study – Davidson and Ernyes