Pothole Patching Mixes

Pothole Patching Mixes

Most pavements require routine maintenance such as pothole repairs, utility cut restauration, traffic inflicted deficiencies, and defects ranging from minor maintenance activities to major holes. Prompt repairs can control expenditures while also minimizing traffic disruptions and prolonging the service life of a pavement. There are a number of different products available to provide agencies and consumers solutions to these problems.

Asphalt Emulsions

Emulsions used to make cold mix can be either cationic or anionic. They can have very high residues (very little water) or they can be more like a conventional asphalt emulsion.

Certain emulsions are designed with solvents to ensure that the ensuing cold mix has low-temperature workability and high-temperature stability. These emulsions are used in the production of conventional cold mix and have unique formulations that resists stripping and bleeding. The available emulsion grades include C

Asphalt Cutback

The cutback asphalt used for a cold mix patch process is a SC-800. This cold patch material is produced in a hot mix plant and has the appearance of a regular surface hot mix but has low-temperature workability and excellent cohesion. Cutbacks can be developed to have relatively prolonged stockpile life (i.e. minimum four months).

Specialty Asphalts

We design and formulate specialty asphalt binder in order to produce MACPATCH high-performance cold mix. The finished product has a unique formulation that provides high resistance to stripping and bleeding while maintaining excellent aggregate coating properties, enhanced low temperature workability and extended stockpile life.

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