Pipe Coatings

Pipe Coatings

Asphalt is used in many coating applications. AWWA, AASHTO, ANSI, and other similar organizations specify the application of “bituminous coatings” when protecting steel or concrete pipes, pipe casings, or other structural steel items from corrosion. Two such specifications are ASSHTO M 190 and M 243. Specific requirements range from the appropriate methods of application (spray, brush, and trowel), resistance to hot or freezing temperatures, physical properties, and adherence characteristics.

McAsphalt’s pipe coatings create an impermeable, water-deterring layer that offers excellent resistance to acids, alkalines, and salts. Our products can be used as a primer or coating above or below grade and can be applied by roller, brush, or spray equipment. Our product line will dry to a tough, durable finish that maintains performance under a wide range of temperatures and conditions.

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