Living Goal Zero



At McAsphalt, employee safety & wellbeing is at the core of everything we do.​
We follow our Living Goal Zero Program to guide us to success in achieving Goal Zero. By embedding our Lifesaving Icons and everyday Behaviours in all our systems at work, we provide a common framework towards ensuring a safe working environment for everyone.

We encourage all visitors & contractors to report any Unsafe Acts or Conditions to the Responsible Manager or HSE Department for further investigation. 

The program consists of 8 Core and 5 Supplementary Lifesaving Icons. These rules require that we all remain constantly vigilant about what we do and how that affects our wellbeing as well as those around us, thus maintaining a resilient culture of shared responsibility and a Zero Tolerance mindset.


These rules are shared and applied across all Colas Business Units around the world to ensure sustainability.


By adopting all Lifesaving Behaviours, we mitigate the risk of
Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIF)


Please watch the video and refer to more information below. 



Identify, evaluate and control hazards before starting work.

A suitable plan must be in place that controls potential hazards in the workplace and the required controls must be communicated to each member of the workforce. Potential hazards and controls must be reviewed each day or for each new task to identify new or unforeseen hazards and amended controls must be agreed and authorized.


Protect yourself from falls.

Avoid working at height or use collective protection such as barriers or guardrails where possible. Work within a protective environment such as scaffold, man-lift or elevated platform or use fall protection equipment when working at heights. Always use three points of contact when accessing equipment, vehicles, and ladders. Fall hazards include elevated work, getting into or out of vehicles, working near exposed edges or around voids or fragile surfaces.


Drive and operate equipment safely.

This includes being qualified and authorized to drive a company vehicle on the highway, operating equipment on site, always wearing your seat belt, properly inspecting vehicles or equipment before use, obeying posted speed limits, and never driving or operating a vehicle or equipment while distracted. Road safety hazards include driving on the highway, on a work site and includes on-road and off-road vehicles.

energy isolation

Verify Zero Energy before work begins and use specified lock-out/tag-out equipment where required.

Hazardous energy includes equipment power sources such as electricity or fuels but also includes stored energy in the system such as electric potential, mechanical or kinetic energy, pressure, toxic materials, gases, chemicals, hot liquids and gravity.

You must be adequately trained, experienced and authorized to complete work tasks, or to operate equipment in the workplace.

Have a valid qualification, certification, or other authorization before you start the work task, or operate work equipment.


Protect yourself from health hazards.

These include exposure to materials, substances or environments that may cause life-altering injuries or conditions. Potential Health Hazards in our business can come from many sources, through inhalation, ingestion, contact, and from the environment. They can cause skin sensitizing/irritating, heat-related illness, and allergic reactions.


Never work or operate equipment while impaired. 

Using alcohol or illegal drugs, or misusing legal drugs or other substances, will reduce your ability to do your job safely. A tired or fatigued worker may also be considered impaired.

line of fire

Stay out of danger zones.

These include areas where there is a risk of being run over or backed over by a vehicle or mobile equipment, being struck by an object falling from height, ejected from a system or tool, or getting caught between an object and being crushed. Common activities  where Line of Fire hazards are present include the moving/ backing of vehicles and equipment, lifting or hoisting, tensioned lines, objects with potential to fall or roll, pressurized systems, electrical equipment, spring-loaded devices and projectiles.ability to do your job safely.



Before starting trenching and excavation work, ensure that authorization has taken place and that competent persons are in charge and responsible for operations.

Trenching and excavation may contain underground utility hazards, potential confined spaces, and have the potential for collapse of earth, walls and excavated materials.

confined spaces

Follow the confined space entry procedures before entering a confined space.

Confined spaces, such as silos, tankers, underground storage tanks, vaults, etc… may contain explosive gases, poisonous air, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, or other physical or environmental hazards. Spaces shall be permitted unless determined to not be required by the supervisor-in-charge. Authorized access will keep you safe.
safe lifting

Lifting activities must be planned, supervised and carried out by competent people. 

Lifting equipment and accessories must be certified and used in the manner for which they were designed. Hazards include failure or collapse of lifting equipment, loss of the load, which can fall on people nearby, or being trapped and crushed by parts of the lifting equipment or load.

overhead powerlines

Work activities must be planned to ensure equipment, objects or personnel do not enter the Minimum Approach Distance around any energized overhead line.

Hazards include electrocution or fire whenever the electricity finds a path to ground, touch potential of any object in contact with the line, or step potential where electricity is discharged in the ground. Electricity can jump a significant distance so direct contact with the line does not have to be made. In addition, lines can remain energized even when the power is turned off, so always treat any line as energized.
working over water

Personal flotation devices should always be worn when there is a danger of falling into water.

When working near, or on water, wearing a personal flotation device (e.g. life jackets or buoyancy aids) protects you from drowning.

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