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Degradation can lead to material loss, airborne particulates and leaching.

Aggregates, minerals, fertilizers, soils and other commodities stockpiled degrade due to weather. Degradation can lead to material loss, airborne particulates and leaching. Erosion of road shoulders, embankments and stockpiles can cause material loss and environmental damage. Fugitive dust can be hazardous and combustible. Some dust suppressants have anticaking properties.

Give us a call to get the MCA Advantage—a partner and advisor who will consult with you about designs, specifications, technical services, processes and material selection. By developing innovative, custom-designed products that offer additional benefits, such as peak performance in unique conditions, improved field performance, and greater environmental and health benefits, the MCA Advantage provides significant long-term cost savings, resulting in lower “total cost of ownership.”

Gravel Roads

Dust control is the application of diluted asphalt emulsions, oil-based liquids, chloride salts or organic resins sprayed directly onto or mixed into granular roadbeds. Typically, these materials are applied by a vehicle-mounted distribution system.

Process and Dust Control

The process control palliative is an application of a diluted asphalt, petroleum or organic emulsion sprayed directly on a stockpile or misted during the stockpiling process.

Soil Stabilization

Soil (stockpile) stabilization is the process of encapsulating or adding a liquid “tarp” to a stockpile of material. This technique is part of most stockpile management systems and is tailored to the specific product, industry and sensitivity of the surrounding environment.

Erosion Control

Erosion control is the practice of preventing or controlling wind or water erosion in agriculture, land development, coastal areas, riverbanks and construction. Effective erosion controls are important techniques in preventing water pollution, soil loss, wildlife habitat loss and human property loss.

MCA Advantage – Asphalt Emulsions

Fact Sheets – Bond Tack Coat & Primers

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